Gum Graft Surgery Survival Tips

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Gum Graft Surgery Survival Tips

A gum graft is an oral surgery that is performed by your dentist. It serves to thicken or support gums that are receding. This is a common procedure because gum recession can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from genetics to aggressive brushing.

There are multiple types of grafts, which your dentist will explain during your consultation.

The good news is, that gum grafting is painless, however, it will require you to devote some time to self-care and healing at home. We have comprised a list of tips that can ensure your experience is as pleasant as can be!

1. Have your friend or family member drive you

Your dentist may administer sedation which helps to calm your nerves and make the overall experience more enjoyable. If you are going to be receiving dental sedation, it is crucial to have a friend or family member drive you to your appointment and back home.

2. Bring your earphones and electronics

Whether you bring your smartphone, iPod or iPad, listening to music while you are undergoing gum grafting near you, can make a significant difference. Music is known to relax people and put them in the right type of headspace. If you want to prepare for your appointment, you can even create a playlist with all your favourite songs. That way, you can lay back, relax, and vibe to your music of choice.

3. Avoid acidic foods

The treated area will need to heal, and you may notice it stings slightly. This feeling will intensify if you eat something acidic, such as fruit juice or tomato sauce. The stinging of the treated site almost feels as if you were to pour hydrogen peroxide on a minor cut.

4. Prepare your meals in advance

When you first arrive at the dental clinic near you post-surgery, it is likely that cooking is not something you will feel up for. You may feel rather tired, and experience fatigue. Preparing some pre-packaged food before your surgery allows you to whip something out that you can eat in a matter of minutes. It might also be a good idea to go shopping a few days before to stalk up on some gum-grafting foods. For example, smoothies, pudding, ice cream, popsicles, eggs, canned soup, and cheese are a few options that may interest you.

5. Schedule your appointment at an ideal time

The best time to schedule your surgery would be on a Thursday afternoon, and here is why. You will have the weekend to recover. The first day following the procedure is probably going to be the roughest. You may notice you feel more tired than usual, sloppy, and just not yourself. By the time it is Monday, you will likely be able to talk normally again and be productive, but you may still lack the same amount of energy you usually would have.

Our dentist will probably suggest using an antimicrobial mouthwash for a few weeks to prevent infections, plaque buildup on your teeth, or any issues with the graft. Avoid brushing or flossing the treated area until your dentist in Naples, confirms that it is safe to do so. When you brush or floss your teeth before the area has had the chance to heal, it will open the wound or create an infection. If you are struggling with any pain or discomfort, reach for some over-the-counter pain medication like naproxen (Aleve) for relief.

You should not exercise or perform strenuous activities unless your doctor has approved. To learn more about this procedure, consult with a North Naples Dentist today!